


Bringing things back to simplicity in form and color. That's what I do. Because simplicity reveals the essence, and the essence contains Everything.
My work is all about a mix of order, softness, and a love for life. I get my inspiration from words, ideas, nature, and dreams. I’m really into textiles and work with them in all kinds of ways. Besides that, I love using ink, both for drawing and writing.
Contact details:E-mail: bmfdeleeuw@gmail.com
Phone: +31 6 52362818
2014 - 2018, Vrije Academie 't Pad: Holistic visual artist
2017 - 2019, Nieuwe Academie Utrecht (NAU): basic program
2020 - 2022, various courses in different techniques
2023 - 2024, Crejat, de nieuwe academie: Creative work with textiles
Galerie Princentuin, Buren; Final exhibition Vrije Academie: 2018
Huize Kernhem, Ede: 25th amateur exhibition Ede: 2018/2019
De Statenhoed, Twello: Various group exhibitions with the art circle Voorst 2021-2025
Huis Duistervoorde, Twello: Exhibition at multicultural festival Duistervoorde, Twello, 2022
Kleurenpracht 2023; kleurenpracht.com
Colourfield performance 2023
Gigant, Apeldoorn; exposition 2024
International Association for the Study of Dreams, Rolduc Roermond, 2024
Book: de transformatie ben ik zelf (2015)
Illustrations in an organizational context. (from 2022)
Book: Liefs Leo (2023)
Tear-off calendar: ... tot ooit (2024)
Other activities:
From 2021: Author and Editor for 'het Droomjournaal', magazine from the 'Vereniging voor de Studie van Dromen'.
From 2024: Founder and participant: 'textielgroep Voorst e.o.'